Freshstart Desktop

Freshstart as the name implies is a new way of thinking and being. Our commitment to the highest level of excellence permeates throughout every part of the company. The core founders, the team members being hired, and the extended team of partners are chosen with our Brand Promise at the forefront to be exceptional. We look forward to serving you with the difference.

POCs and OTCs with reliable results in minutes.
Systematic screening and detection of clinical COVID-19 cases is critical to effectively end the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and protect your family, colleagues and employees. An effective screening regimen in a workplace, campus or other community setting can be established using the quick results provided by antigen tests.

Air is essential for life, and the quality of that air is critical. At any given moment, the air surrounding us and filling our lungs contains billions of particles too small to be seen, but powerful enough to impact our health. Studies have found that workers in buildings with optimum air quality have reduced symptoms related to exposure to fine particle pollution and with Improved Air Quality (IAQ) has also been found to result in significant increases in worker productivity.

Air is essential for life, and the quality of that air is critical. At any given moment, the air surrounding us and filling our lungs contains billions of particles too small to be seen, but powerful enough to impact our health. Studies have found that workers in buildings with optimum air quality have reduced symptoms related to exposure to fine particle pollution and with Improved Air Quality (IAQ) has also been found to result in significant increases in worker productivity.

A live Professional Proctor leads you through the testing session, and verifies results immediately.
Freshstart gives you peace of mind when traveling internationally with FDA Approved Testing that meet the CDC testing requirements.

Freshstart Desktop

Freshstart. A company dedicated to a revolutionary paradigm of customer-centric solutions and services paired with best-of-class products and technologies. We provide scalable, customizable options to address the daunting tasks of meeting FDA and OSHA requirements for providing safe environments. Our suite of offerings addresses the next generation of precision testing and feedback for better outcomes.
Freshstart. A company dedicated to a revolutionary paradigm of customer-centric solutions and services paired with best-of-class products and technologies. We provide scalable, customizable options to address the daunting tasks of meeting FDA and OSHA requirements for providing safe environments. Our suite of offerings addresses the next generation of precision testing and feedback for better outcomes.

POCs and OTCs with reliable results in minutes.
Systematic screening and detection of clinical COVID-19 cases is critical to effectively end the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and protect your family, colleagues and employees. An effective screening regimen in a workplace, campus or other community setting can be established using the quick results provided by antigen tests.
POCs and OTCs with reliable results in minutes.
Systematic screening and detection of clinical COVID-19 cases is critical to effectively end the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and protect your family, colleagues and employees. An effective screening regimen in a workplace, campus or other community setting can be established using the quick results provided by antigen tests.

COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person-to-person. It has been estimated that every infected person at the early stage of the outbreak can reasonably be expected to pass the virus along to 2-3 others. Additionally, some people may be able to spread the virus without showing any symptoms.
Our Saliva testing is easy, gentle, and will provide rapid, accurate results for the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person-to-person. It has been estimated that every infected person at the early stage of the outbreak can reasonably be expected to pass the virus along to 2-3 others. Additionally, some people may be able to spread the virus without showing any symptoms.
Our Saliva testing is easy, gentle, and will provide rapid, accurate results for the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

Air is essential for life, and the quality of that air is critical. At any given moment, the air surrounding us and filling our lungs contains billions of particles too small to be seen, but powerful enough to impact our health. Studies have found that workers in buildings with optimum air quality have reduced symptoms related to exposure to fine particle pollution and with Improved Air Quality (IAQ) has also been found to result in significant increases in worker productivity.
Air is essential for life, and the quality of that air is critical. At any given moment, the air surrounding us and filling our lungs contains billions of particles too small to be seen, but powerful enough to impact our health. Studies have found that workers in buildings with optimum air quality have reduced symptoms related to exposure to fine particle pollution and with Improved Air Quality (IAQ) has also been found to result in significant increases in worker productivity.

FDA-authorized, virtually guided, at-home COVID-19 rapid test with automated results reporting to U.S. public health authorities.
A live Professional Proctor leads you through the testing session, and verifies results immediately.
Freshstart gives you peace of mind when traveling internationally with FDA Approved Testing that meet the CDC testing requirements.
FDA-authorized, virtually guided, at-home COVID-19 rapid test with automated results reporting to U.S. public health authorities.
A live Professional Proctor leads you through the testing session, and verifies results immediately.
Freshstart gives you peace of mind when traveling internationally with FDA Approved Testing that meet the CDC testing requirements.