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Freshstart understands that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted each organization differently.
We offer a broad spectrum of customer-centric solutions and services, paired with best-in-class expertise and innovations in testing products, laboratory services, data management and logistics,
We provide scalable, customizable options to assist our customers in addressing the daunting tasks of meeting FDA and OSHA requirements for providing safe environments.


With an eye toward the future, Freshstart offers a full suite of testing products, secure, compliant, technology driven preventive healthcare platforms and lab service offerings which have been specifically designed to extend beyond COVID-19 and to address the next generation of precision testing and chronic care monitoring solutions to gather actionable intelligence to support better outcomes.


The FreshStart team is dedicated to our mission of offering innovative products and services that will improve the lives of our customers and to help create a healthier world.

Laboratory Services

Our Saliva testing is easy, gentle, and will provide rapid, accurate results for the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person-to-person. It has been estimated that every infected person at the early stage of the outbreak can reasonably be expected to pass the virus along to 2-3 others. Additionally, some people may be able to spread the virus without showing any symptoms.


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